NORAD Intercepts Russian And Chinese Planes Off Alaska Coast

NORAD Intercepts Russian And Chinese Planes Off Alaska Coast
Photo credit- My North Bay Now

It's a first for North American air defence. Canadian and American jet fighters intercepted foreign bombers entering the Alaska air defence zone on Wednesday.

Two of the aircraft were Russian, which is a common occurrence off the Alaska coast.  But they were accompanied by two Chinese planes.

It's the first time the two allies have tested NORAD's reactions together. The aircraft did not enter American or Canadian airspace.  

"22 Wing North Bay, also known as the Canadian Air Defence Sector (CADS), is responsible for providing surveillance, identification, control and warning for the aerospace defence of Canada and North America," states the wing's website. "This surveillance and identification of all air traffic approaching North America (200,000 flights per year) is accomplished using radar information received via satellite from the North Warning System across the Canadian Arctic, coastal radars on the east and west coasts of Canada, and Airborne Warning and Control System Aircraft."

NORAD detected, tracked, and intercepted two Russian TU-95 and two PRC H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on July 24, 2024. NORAD fighter jets from the United States and Canada conducted the intercept.— North American Aerospace Defense Command (@NORADCommand) July 24, 2024

**With files from Norman Jack

The post NORAD intercepts Russian and Chinese planes off Alaska coast appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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