North Bay Doctor Charged with Assault with Weapon

North Bay Doctor Charged with Assault with Weapon

Local Physician Charged with Assault with a Weapon and Threats


Officers from the North Bay Police Service arrested a physician on Monday, after an incident that occurred at a local hospital last Thursday.

On the 18th of April, 2024, the North Bay Police Service was contacted after an incident took place at a local hospital involving a physician who assaulted a patient and threatened another person at the hospital. Officers from the Criminal Investigations Unit have concluded their investigation, and have arrested and charged the accused, after he turned himself in at police headquarters on Monday.

The accused in this incident is a 45-year-old male who is charged with:

·        One count of Assault with a Weapon

·        One count of Utter Threats

The accused was released on an undertaking with a future court date.

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