North Bay Police Charge Two with Impaired Driving

North Bay Police Charge Two with Impaired Driving

Two Charged with Impaired Driving Over the Long Weekend

 Two North Bay drivers were arrested and charged with Impaired Driving offences over the Victoria Day long weekend.

 A 59-year-old male and a 65-year-old female, both of North Bay, were both charged with one count of Impaired Driving and one count of Over 80 milligrams

 Around 11:15 pm on May 18th, officers from the North Bay Police Service that were conducting a R.I.D.E. program, were alerted to a possible impaired driver that was leaving a Pinewood Park Drive business.  The officers attended the area and eventually located the vehicle on Lakeshore Drive near Booth Road.  A traffic stop was initiated, and the 59-year-old male driver was found to be intoxicated.  He was arrested and transported to North Bay Police Service headquarters for testing.  As a result of these tests, the accused was found to have more than three times the legal limit of alcohol in his bloodstream. The accused was later released on an Undertaking with a future court date

 On May 19th, around 7:30 pm, the North Bay Police Service was notified of a vehicle that had gone out-of-control and had ended up stuck in a ditch on Leonard Street.  When officers arrived the 65-year-old female driver was tested with a roadside screening device, which registered a “FAIL”.  The driver was subsequently arrested and transported to North Bay Police Service headquarters for further testing.  As a result of these tests, the driver was found to have over the legal limit of alcohol in her bloodstream, and she was charged accordingly.  The accused was later released on an Undertaking with a future court date.

 Both drivers had their vehicles impounded for 7 days and their driver’s license suspended for 90 days. 


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