North Bay Police to Enhance Traffic Enforcement

North Bay Police to Enhance Traffic Enforcement

Enhanced Traffic Enforcement to be Implemented this Summer

 The North Bay Police Service has received numerous complaints with regards to an increase in the use of vehicles that are equipped with aftermarket parts and modifications.  Many of the complaints include, but are not limited to, loud exhaust systems, illegal light packages, loud stereo systems and the associated behaviours including street racing, dangerous driving and stunting.

With this in mind, the NBPS has developed a strategy to combat the issue, and plan on cracking down on various offences in the coming months. The enhanced traffic enforcement project, will run throughout the summer of 2024, and will target a variety of Highway Traffic Act (HTA) offences.    


“The vast majority of the vehicles involved have been modified or customized to some extent, and may have defects under the Highway Traffic Act.” Says Constable Dave Wright, who is spearheading the project. “They include but are not limited to: excessive window tinting, safety equipment and seatbelts; lighting; number plate covers, or no plates present on the vehicle; exhaust systems; etc.  Under the HTA, police officers are able to charge operators and tow vehicles that are deemed to be unsafe.”


Offences and subsequent fines under the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario include;

·        Drive with Window or Windshield Coated - $110

·        Drive Without Proper Headlights - $110

·        Drive With Headlamp Coated/Covered/Modified - $110

·        Improper Use of Side Marker Lamps - $110

·        Improper Tires - $110

·        Unnecessary Noise - $110

·        No Muffler/Improper Muffler - $110

·        Unsafe Vehicle – No Set Fine (court date to determine fine)

 Criminal Code charged relating to vehicles include;

·      Dangerous Driving

·        Mischief

·        Obstruct Peace Officer

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