North Bay Pride to Support LCBO Workers

North Bay Pride to Support LCBO Workers

North Bay Pride to Support LCBO Workers at "Ignite and Unite Pride Party"

Show your support for LCBO workers by attending North Bay Pride’s "Ignite and Unite Pride Party" on July 20th, 2024!

North Bay Pride is proud to announce that a portion of the net ticket sales from our "Ignite & Unite Pride Party" will be donated to the LCBO workers' strike fund. We believe in supporting those who support us.

Caprina Tennant, Communications Coordinator for North Bay Pride, shared her thoughts: “Supporting LCBO workers is more than just a gesture—it's a stand for the values that underpin our public services. Donating partial net ticket sales from “Ignite and Unite” is about recognizing their vital role in protecting the revenues that fund Ontario’s essential public services, such as healthcare and education.”

Tennant added, “Why should the Pride community support LCBO workers and other labour unions? The answer lies in our shared history: labour unions have consistently stood up for equity and inclusion for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. They have championed same-sex marriage, supported those affected by HIV/AIDS, and fought for broader social justice. LCBO workers have shown unwavering support for Pride and our community. Now, it is our turn to stand with them. Doug Ford’s choice to prioritize private companies, which are already enjoying record profits, over the well-being of our communities is shortsighted. Ontario doesn't need an increase in alcohol sales; we need robust funding for healthcare, education, and other critical public services. We call on Premier Ford to shift his focus and support all communities by preserving the public revenues that have been threatened by recent funding cuts. Together, we can build a more equitable and inclusive Ontario.”

Rob Boulet, Interim President of the North Bay Labour Council, added this comment: “It is really clear what the priorities are for this provincial government. Instead of funding essential services like healthcare, Premier Ford would spend money on a map on how you can get booze through private corporations that do not provide any revenues to essential services like the LCBO does. For a Premier that claimed many times he was for the people of Ontario, it’s clear now more than ever, Ford is about the people of Ontario if you are rich and he can benefit from you.”

Join us on July 20th to show your support and make a difference!

Get your tickets today with a 30% discount code “LCBO” at

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