North Bay Takes Honours

North Bay Takes Honours

North Bay has done it again, earning top honors in the Communities in Bloom competition — this time on the national stage.

The City received a rating of 5 Blooms, with a special mention for the Northern Pines transitional and supportive housing campus on Chippewa Street, during the CiB National Symposium and Awards Ceremonies held this weekend in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. North Bay also received an Outstanding Achievement Award for Community Appearance.

Representing the community at the event were Hariett Madigan, Chair of Clean Green Beautiful North Bay (CGB); Deputy Mayor Maggie Horsfield; and City Parks Manager Mark Thomas. “On behalf of CGB and CiB committees, we are over-the-top proud of our community.

We won the outstanding Achievement National Award for Community Appearance,” said Madigan. “That took the collective efforts of so many individuals, businesses, institutions, CGB North Bay and our municipality. A million thank yous to all involved. You each truly made the difference.”

North Bay was also a top three finalist in other Outstanding Achievement Award categories, including: • Plant and Floral Displays • Tree Management • Community of Gardeners • Environmental Action • Youth Involvement "Congratulations, North Bay.

This is a perfect example of what happens when our community unites — volunteers, businesses, the City, and various organizations all working together,” said Deputy Mayor Horsfield. “This achievement showcases the beauty and welcoming spirit of our community to the entire country, and it’s something we can all take pride in."

After earning a 5-Bloom rating in the provincial competition last year, North Bay was invited to the national competition, which celebrates Canadian communities for their efforts to enhance both natural and urban environments, promote green spaces, and foster local pride.

National CiB judges visited North Bay in July, evaluating key areas such as community appearance, environmental action, heritage conservation, tree management, landscaping, and plant and floral displays. The initiative was spearheaded by Clean Green Beautiful North Bay in partnership with the North Bay Communities in Bloom committee and the City of North Bay.

The theme for the 2024 competition, Growing Great Places Together, complemented North Bay’s slogan — Unity in Community —which highlighted how the City collaborates across sectors to create a clean, green, and beautiful environment for both residents and visitors.

Communities in Bloom is a volunteer-driven organization that fosters community strength, involvement, and continuous improvement through its competitive evaluation process. It encourages environmental sustainability, green space enhancement, and heritage conservation across municipal, residential, commercial, and institutional areas.

Photo: Hariett Madigan, Chair of Clean Green Beautiful North Bay, Deputy Mayor Maggie Horsfield and City Parks Manager Mark Thomas accepted an Outstanding Achievement Award for Community Appearance on behalf of the North Bay community this weekend during the CiB National Symposium and Awards Ceremonies held this weekend in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.

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