Northern mayors join calls for provincial action on homelessness

Northern mayors join calls for provincial action on homelessness

Solve the Crisis. 

That’s the name of Ontario’s Big City Mayors campaign to help municipalities address homelessness, and the mayors of Northern Ontario’s five largest cities are endorsing it.  

The group, which includes the mayors of North Bay, Sudbury, Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie and Thunder Bay says it’s more than a call for help, it’s a comprehensive plan.  

Recommendations include:  

  • Appointing a single minister provincially to bring cross-ministry focus to this issue and fund that ministry appropriately. 
  • Have the new provincial minister strike a task force to advise and make recommendations on solutions to these issues with a cross-section of stakeholders and commit to funding the recommendations. 
  • Provide the municipality with resources to transition homeless and underused individuals to appropriate housing with the necessary supports Fund a 24/7 crisis response service across the province to relieve the pressure on hospital emergency centres and first responders. 

“Recent data from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing shows that homelessness continues to rise across Ontario,” says North Bay Mayor Peter Chirico.  “Municipalities are ready to help, and we’re bringing a plan to the table – we need the province to step up and support our efforts.”  

The website has been created to help residents learn more.  

Earlier this week, council in North Bay called on both Ottawa and Queen’s Park to work with municipalities on the crisis involving homelessness and encampments.  

 The post Northern mayors join calls for provincial action on homelessness appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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