OCAA Season Begins
OCAA Season begins at Canadore College this weekend
The Canadore Panthers open up the 2024-2025 OCAA season this weekend at home with Women’s Volleyball, Men’s Basketball and Men’s Volleyball on Saturday in the College Drive Gymnasium.
The Panthers Women’s Volleyball team takes on the Algonquin College Wolves at 1:00 p.m. followed by the Panthers Men’s Volleyball team against the Algonquin Wolves at 3:00 p.m.
Finally, the Panthers Men’s Basketball team will take to the court against the Sheridan Bruins at 6:00 p.m.
For more information:
Women’s Volleyball https://canadorepanthers.ca/sports/wvball/index
Men’s Volleyball https://canadorepanthers.ca/sports/mvball/index
Men's Basketball https://canadorepanthers.ca/sports/mbkb/index