On Acceptance and Kindness

On Acceptance and Kindness

Column by Anne Gingras

As we celebrate Pride Month in our communities, I want to emphasize my personal commitment as an ally to actively advocate for inclusion and diversity. These are not just buzzwords, but the very essence that makes our community vibrant, strong, and solid. 

Inclusion is not just a value, it's a transformative force that shapes the fabric of our society. By embracing diversity and ensuring that everyone, regardless of their background, feels a sense of belonging, we lay the foundation for a thriving community.

When we actively include individuals from all walks of life, we create an environment where unique perspectives and experiences enrich our understanding, leading to significant innovation, creativity, and empathy. It's not just about recognizing the importance of inclusion, but about taking concrete steps to dismantle barriers and create equal opportunities for all.

During this month, please educate yourself on what it means to be an ally. Adopt a Beginner's Mind and realize that a simple gesture toward keeping an open mind will be vital in offering all members of our community a safe and accepting place to thrive, just as most of us are. We're not different. We're Humans—let's work towards acceptance and on being nice.

It's that simple.


Anne (St. Louis) Gingras is a neuro-diverse individual who is also a wife, mother, teacher, writer, author, blogger, composer, international public speaker, life coach, energy worker, intuitive coach, mentor and death doula who also enjoys spending time in her miniature worlds.  She is the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Education (honoris causa) from Nipissing University in North Bay.

 Anne (St. Louis) Gingras est une personne qui célèbre sa neuro-différence.  Elle est entre autres une épouse, maman, enseignante, écrivaine, blogueuse, compositrice, conférencière internationale, coach de vie, travailleuse en énergie, coach intuitive, mentor et doula (accent sur la mort), qui adore passer ses moments libres au sein de ses mondes miniatures.  Elle est récipiendaire d’un doctorat honorifique en éducation (honoris causa) de l’université Nipissing, de North Bay. 

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