On Saying Goodbye to a Pet

On Saying Goodbye to a Pet

Column by Anne Gingras

Pets are more than just animals; they are cherished members of our family. They offer us unconditional love, comfort, and companionship that is hard to find elsewhere. Losing a family pet can be an emotional and harrowing experience that can cause a sense of profound loss and grief. Every family member, including furry friends, is integral to our daily lives, and we share countless happy memories with them. Last week, I had to say goodbye to our little mini schnauzer, Bob, who was old and unwell. Although he had given us all the love he had within his little heart, it was time to let him go. Even though it's been a week, my heart still hurts when I think about him, and I know it will for a while.

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet can be challenging for many reasons. Pets offer us an unwavering loyalty and devotion that is hard to find elsewhere. They become a part of our daily routines, and we share countless happy memories with them. It's natural to feel a sense of loss when we must say goodbye to such a beloved companion. Grieving the loss of a pet can be complicated, and it's not uncommon to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, guilt, or even anger. Each person experiences grief differently, and there is no "right" way to feel.

If you are struggling to come to terms with the loss of a family pet, it's essential to take the time to honour their memory and to allow yourself to grieve. It's important to remember that your pet will always hold a special place in your heart, and you can celebrate the happy memories you shared with them. Although it's hard to say goodbye, acknowledging your feelings, finding ways to honour their memory, and seeking support from loved ones can help you begin to heal and move forward.

Even though Bob is gone, I still feel his presence in our home. Indeed, absence is a presence. Eventually, the pain will lessen, but for now, I will hug my other fur babies and remember that life is short. To create lasting memories, we must be present in the moments with the ones we love. In the end, saying goodbye to a family pet is never easy. But by acknowledging your feelings, finding ways to honour their memory, and seeking out support from friends and loved ones, you can begin to heal and move forward. Remember that your pet will always be remembered and cherished, and their love will live forever in your heart.

Have a gentle week.



Anne (St. Louis) Gingras is a neuro-diverse individual who is also a wife, mother, teacher, writer, author, blogger, composer, international public speaker, life coach, energy worker, intuitive coach, mentor and death doula who also enjoys spending time in her miniature worlds.  She is the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Education (honoris causa) from Nipissing University in North Bay.

 Anne (St. Louis) Gingras est une personne qui célèbre sa neuro-différence.  Elle est entre autres une épouse, maman, enseignante, écrivaine, blogueuse, compositrice, conférencière internationale, coach de vie, travailleuse en énergie, coach intuitive, mentor et doula (accent sur la mort), qui adore passer ses moments libres au sein de ses mondes miniatures.  Elle est récipiendaire d’un doctorat honorifique en éducation (honoris causa) de l’université Nipissing, de North Bay. 

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