ON THE EDGE Fringe Festival returns this month

ON THE EDGE Fringe Festival returns this month

A dozen shows are lined up for the ON THE EDGE Fringe Festival coming up in a couple of weeks. The festival, now in its 11th year, will run Aug. 14-18.  

Along with the Capitol Centre, events and activities are taking place in local restaurants and public spaces throughout the downtown area.  

The Fringe shows involve artists and companies from across Canada, from Vancouver to Montreal, with nearly half from the North Bay area.  

Genres include comedy, dance, physical and musical theatre, and spoken word/storytelling. 

The festival also includes three Duality presentations, a dance workshop, a live Dungeons & Dragons role-playing series that sold out their run at last year’s festival and more.  

Tickets are available at the Capitol Centre box office or online.  

Visit fringenorth.com for more.

The post ON THE EDGE Fringe Festival returns this month appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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