One Kids Place looking for Board Members

One Kids Place looking for Board Members

One Kids Place is seeking three (3) Board members with a minimum of one (1) representing the district of Parry Sound. One Kids Place is mandated to provide community and school-based rehabilitation and related support services for children and youth (up to the age of 19) and their families living in the Districts of Muskoka, Nipissing, and Parry Sound.

The Centre provides an integrated range of services and supports to children and youth with communication, developmental and physical needs. Board directorship is a voluntary position that requires a commitment of one Board meeting per month and participation on a minimum of one Board sub-committee. OKP approaches its mandate from a lens of diversity, equity and inclusion and, in such welcome’s applicants from various skill sets including past service recipients, legal, governance, financial, public relations, human resources, business management, children’s services, health care, consumer perspective and fundraising.

If you are interested in applying, please contact for more information or to request an application. All applications must be received by Friday, April 26, 2024.

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