Isadore Laba named 1 of Ontario's 20 Outstanding Seniors

Isadore Laba named 1 of Ontario's 20 Outstanding Seniors

Isadore (Ike) Laba of Temagami is 1 of 20 seniors to be recognized with the Ontario Senior Senior Achievement Award.

The Ontario Senior Achievement Awards recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to their communities through voluntary or professional activities after the age of 65.

Isadore Laba is a husband, father, grandfather and active member of the Temagami community. For over 50 years, he has been involved with both Municipal Council and Community Volunteer Groups. His largest contribution to the community has been through volunteering with the Temagami Lions Club, where he initiated many community projects.

These include the Diabetes Association Clothesline Program, a new blood pressure kiosk in the Temagami Medical Centre and the planting of over 1,500 trees for reforestation. Ike knows how to bring people into the spirit of Temagami and his smiling face makes Temagami a better place.

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