Ontario Exploring New Technology to Build Critical Infrastructure Faster

Ontario Exploring New Technology to Build Critical Infrastructure Faster
Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure

‘Digital twins’ can help improve worker safety, save taxpayer dollars and support economic growth

The Ontario government is testing the application and benefits of digital modelling technology, known as digital twins, to help deliver key infrastructure projects such as hospitals, highways and transit on time and on budget.

“Our government is exploring innovative new technologies to help build critical infrastructure faster and more cost-effectively,” said Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure. “From start to finish, digital twins will help ensure that project partners involved in the building process have access to timely, accurate and state-of-the-art data to advance the delivery of Ontario’s infrastructure for our growing communities.”

Digital twins are virtual models of existing and planned assets that when mapped for construction projects, can be used to help identify and resolve problems before work begins. Using a digital twin for underground utilities, for example, can help reduce the risk of delays and cost overruns on projects.

The province has selected the Trillium Health Partners’ Peter Gilgan Mississauga Hospital redevelopment, the Ontario Place rebuild and the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension to test the digital modelling technology. These projects were chosen because of their complex utility systems such as existing and planned electrical, water, gas and wastewater services. By identifying and mapping the location of these underground utilities in a virtual model, the province can help avoid costly and dangerous utility conflicts, which will help improve worker safety, save money and ensure projects are completed on time.

Ontario is investing over $190 billion in key infrastructure projects over the next 10 years, as part of the Building a Better Ontario: 2024 Ontario Budget.

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