ONTC rail refurbishment work continues, on schedule

ONTC rail refurbishment work continues, on schedule

By Richard Coffin

Rail refurbishment continues to provide job stability at Ontario Northland.   

Officials say it’s thanks to its partnership with Metrolinx to refurbish 56 Bi-Level II coach fleet.   

Work is ongoing with 15 bi-level II cab cars recently completed.   

The $109 million contract was awarded in the spring of 2022 with the province saying at the time the work is supporting over 100 manufacturing jobs in North Bay.   

The refurbishment work includes new seating and upgrades to washrooms, electrical components, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), and door systems. 

“This project will continue to provide job stability for our employees for several years, as we continue to deliver high-quality refurbishment work, on schedule,” reads a statement from the ONTC.   

The province recently announced its investing nearly $500 million to refurbish 181 GO Transit bi-level rail coaches at an Alstom plant in Thunder Bay.   

Host Jennifer Tocheri

The post ONTC rail refurbishment work continues, on schedule appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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