Operational Review Before Council

Operational Review Before Council

Oct. 24 marks two years since council in North Bay was elected and one of the issues borne out of the campaign is coming to fruition.  

During that time a third-party organizational review was conducted by KPMG and now an implementation plan is set to be discussed.   

It’s the focus of a special committee meeting on Monday.  

Officials say priorities are aligned with the city’s strategic plan, with estimated timelines, costs, and related projects that support the broader objectives of the review.   

Six priorities include:  

  • Develop Departmental Master Plans & Business Plans 
  • Implement a Corporate-Wide Customer Service Strategy 
  • Centralize/Streamline Back-Office Roles 
  • Adopt a Corporate Performance Management Framework 
  • Clarify the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan 
  • Develop A Workforce Plan 

“The implementation of these priorities is expected to improve overall organizational efficiency and effectiveness; and, depending on the initiative, may result in reduced operational expenses and/or mitigation of future cost escalation, optimized resource use, and/or enhanced service delivery for the community,” states the plan’s introduction.  

It also says existing resources will cover the cost of two of the priorities while a staff report says $250,000 is being allocated this year to three others.   

Another $100,000 will be allocated in 2026 to develop a workforce plan. 

Monday’s special committee meeting is scheduled for 5:30 pm in the council chambers.  

The post Council to discuss Organizational Review Implementation Plan appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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