OPP supporting LNHL with new decals, initiatives

By Brad Aubin
March break is right around the corner and that means so is the Little Native Hockey League annual tournament.
The Little NHL is the largest ice hockey tournament for First Nation youth in Ontario. Last year, about 250 teams, 3,400 players, and over 10,000 family members attended the event. This year, it’s being hosted in Markham.
Officials say as part of an initiative to enhance police support for the tournament, the OPP and other policing services are placing a “Proud Support of the Little NHL” decals on cruisers to promote and show support for the event.
Gary Maracle is the superintendent of the OPP’s Indigenous Policing Bureau. He says they’re exciting to be a part of the new initiative, and they’re thrilled to amplify their support for First Nation youth athletes.
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