OT Thriller as Briir Long scores 3

OT Thriller as Briir Long scores 3

The St Thomas Stars entered game 4 down 3 games to none against the powerful Strathroy Rockets. It was win or go home for the Stars. Both line ups had top ranked OHL prospects. Strathroy's Dylan Richter (North Bay Battalion) and Matthew Souliere (Ottawa 67's). The Stars countered with North Bay Battalion pick and former Powassan Voo Doo Kaedyn Long and his brother Briir (Brantford Bulldogs). The Stars also added Owen Ethier (NOJHL French River) at the trade deadline. Interesting note, the game featured 3 former North Bay Trappers.

In a blistering fast physical series where no one was giving an inch and with no one backing down, this game had the markings of a powerful team bringing their brooms and an underdog team not wanting to be swept.

The Stars came out flying and hitting in the 1st and took a 2-1 lead into the first intermission with Judd Katz and Briir Long scoring and the Rockets Matthew Souliere (Ottawa 67's draft pick) keeping the game close. Kaedyn Long although he never received a point, made the first Stars goal happen as the Rockets could not counter Long's speed. The first also saw a thunderous hit by Stars Judd Katz that galvanized the Stars and set the Rockets back.

In the second, the Rockets took over and scored twice to lead 3-2 going into the 2nd intermission. The Rockets scoring came from former Stars player Jackson Dobbin and Rene Van Bommel.

The Stars down 3-0 in the series and 3-2 in game 4 came out determined in the third not to let their season end. At the 4 minute mark, Briir Long did what he has been doing all year, he scored to tie the game with his second of the game. The game was a back-and-forth chess match and when the third period buzzer sounded, the game was tied 3-3 and was going into OT for the first time in the series.

It only took 4 minutes in OT, when Brrir Long accepted a pass in full stride at the blue line and wired a laser just inside the post to give the Stars a victory. Long finished the game with 3 goals and assist, Judd Katz assisted on the OT winner and was a huge presents on the ice all night and the Rockets could not contain Kaedyn Long's speed all night giving his linemates a lot of room.

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