Outdoor skating season underway

Outdoor skating season underway

By Richard Coffin

Five outdoor rinks are now open in North Bay.  

The city says they include the rinks at Greenhill Playground, Kinette Playground, Riverbend – Kerr Park, Birchaven (Sage) Park and Veronica Park. 

They’re all listed in fair condition.  

Work continues to get the other six skating locations, including the Lee Park trail and oval open.   

Officials say it takes multiple floods and leveling to get the surface just right.  

Enthusiasts are asked to stay off closed rinks and the skate path until they’re open, which will help them open them sooner.  

Visit the northbay.ca/rinks for updates on rink conditions. 

Port North Bay


The post Outdoor skating season underway in the city appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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