Overpass Banner Project

Overpass Banner Project

The City of North Bay would like to thank Tessa Shank, for contributing to the Overpass Banner Project. Tessa is a multidisciplinary Anishinaabe artist from Nipissing First Nation.

An alumna of OCADU, George Brown, and GIA, and a Fellow of the CGmA, she specializes in digital illustration, animation, and 3D rendering. Inspired by Anishinaabe narratives and the connection to the land, her work merges technology and nature, past and present.

Active in public art since 2017, she advises Toronto’s Parks and Rec on Indigenous space-keeping.

View more of Tessa’s work on Instagram @tessashank or her website: https://ow.ly/iEeC50SAERN

To find out more about the Overpass Banner Project visit: https://ow.ly/U0lh50SAESi

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