Overpass banners to help city mark 100 years

Overpass banners to help city mark 100 years

Local artists are being called on to help the city celebrate its centennial next year.   

Designs are being sought for commemorative banners to be displayed along the overpass leading into the West Ferris and downtown areas. 

Officials say the banners will be set up all year long in 2025, with the current banners to be reinstalled in January 2026. 

If you’re interested in submitting a design, it needs to incorporate historical elements relevant to North Bay, including rail, aviation, ringette, the Gateway Arch and more. 

Digital artwork or high-quality scans (34" x 90") vertical display will be accepted until October 16.  

Successful applicants will receive a $700 artist fee. 

For more information or to submit a design, email: Lacey Stevens Centennial Celebration Programmer - lacey.stevens@northbay.ca 

The post Overpass banners to help city mark 100 years appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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