Panel discussion and vigil marking World Suicide Prevention Day

Panel discussion and vigil marking World Suicide Prevention Day

Changing the narrative on suicide.  That’s the theme for World Suicide Prevention Day coming up on Tuesday, Sept. 10.  

The Canadian Mental Health Association North Bay and District is marking the occasion with a panel discussion and candlelit vigil.  Officials are looking to foster open, honest conversations about suicide and provide a supportive space for the community.   

“It’s time to change the narrative around suicide,” says Mary Davis, CEO of CMHA North Bay and District. “As individuals and as a community, we must engage in open, honest conversations, breaking down the stigma that often surrounds it. Having lost my brother to suicide, I know how crucial it is to build a culture of support, understanding and hope.” 

CMHA says in a dozen people die by suicide every day in Canada and it is the second-leading cause of death among young adults aged 15-34.   

They say Tuesday’s event, which takes place at 6:30 pm, provides a safe space where people can learn about suicide prevention and how to access mental health resources and services.  

The panel discussion will feature mental health service providers and Chat4Chad organizers.  

A candlelit vigil is also taking place at 8 pm that night, symbolizing remembrance and hope.    

Registration is required due to limited capacity at the Fraser Street venue.   

A spot can be secured at 

The post Panel discussion and vigil marking World Suicide Prevention Day appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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