North Bay Police Polar Plunge A Go!

North Bay Police Polar Plunge A Go!

Participants are encouraged to sign up early and start raising funds

 The North Bay Police Service continues its long-standing tradition of supporting Special Olympics by hosting the upcoming Polar Plunge fundraiser on March 9th, 2024, at Nipissing University and Canadore College, in North Bay.

The Polar Plunge is a signature fundraising event of Special Olympics Ontario, and this winter North Bay’s event will be one of 28 Polar Plunges being hosted by police services across the province.  Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) for Special Olympics is one of the largest charity organizations in the world, raising over one billion dollars, since its inception in 1983. Ontario’s chapter of Special Olympics is a world leader, and Polar Plunges across the province are expected to raise over a million dollars this winter. Special Olympics Ontario is dedicated to enriching the lives of those with an intellectual disability through sport. 

The North Bay Polar Plunge will be held on the grounds of Nipissing University and Canadore College, on March 9th, utilizing a large container filled with ice and water. Proceeds from the event will support Special Olympics Ontario and will in-turn help fund two local Special Olympics groups – North Bay Special Olympics (for adults) and Near North Special Olympics (students).  

Location: Parking Lot #1 – Nipissing University/Canadore College

Time: Event Check-in is at 12:30 pm and the Plunges start at 1pm.

Participants are encouraged to sign up early and start raising funds at

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