Police urging drivers to keep ‘back to school’ safety in mind

Police urging drivers to keep ‘back to school’ safety in mind

The new school year is just over a week away from starting and city police are reminding motorists to get ready.  

The North Bay Police Service says drivers are advised to exercise increased caution and follow the rules of the road as we approach the start of the school year, on September 3.  

To help ensure public safety, police will have an increased presence on area roadways as school begins. It coincides with an increase in children and youth walking to-and-from school and school buses being back on the road.  

Officers will be conducting enhanced road safety patrols to catch dangerous drivers.  Police say it’s the motorist’s responsibility to drive carefully, share the road and stop for school buses, and follow the posted speed limits on all community streets.  

That includes the numerous Community Safety Zones throughout the city, where the speed limit is lower, and fines and penalties are increased. 

The post Police urging drivers to keep ‘back to school’ safety in mind appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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