Potholes Are Back

The start of the spring freeze-and-thaw cycle this week has also kicked off pothole season in North Bay.
The city is looking to drivers to help crews out by reporting potholes.
You can call Public Works at 705-474-4340 and give a detailed description of the location and size of the pothole.
“The size of the pothole is very important, as those that are large, deep or threatening to traffic are addressed first,” states a release.
Dozens of potholes were noticeable around the city on Thursday, along with ropes of snake-like, loosened crack sealant.
Of note, what can only be described as a crater had opened in the first block of Lakeshore, in the northbound curb lane.
That prompted a temporary ‘rough road-bump’ sign to be posted, with plenty of vehicles switching to the inside lane instead of risking it.
The city says pothole fixes at this time are generally only temporary because a good bond between the pavement and the patch can’t be achieved.
Officials say as a result, the patches deteriorate quickly because of the freeze/thaw cycles, traffic and weather.