Powassan Over French River

Powassan Over French River
Photo credits-Powassan Voo Doo

The Powassan Voodoos broke open a 1-1 tie with 3 goals in just over 6 minutes late in the second as they skated away with a 4-1 win over the French River Rapids in Noelville Saturday night.

Tucker Shields put home a rebound off a shot from linemate Rhys Smetham for the 1-0 Voodoos lead.

Early second the Rapids cash in on a power play as Abram Snider ripped a shot high from just below the half boards to square things at 1-1.

Just over 13 minutes in on four on four play, Alex little got a drop and beat Dyer low blocker for a 2-1 Voodoos lead.

Less than a minute later, Chase Thompson found a loose puck a minute later and made it 3-1 Voodoos after picking up a puck on a Mason Rotondo net drive.

Late second Dylan McElhinny on a 2 on 1 fed across to Zach Turner who chipped it past Dyer to make it 4-1 Voodoos after 2.

Alex Case added two assists for the Voodoos.

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