Provincial Leaders Debate set for North Bay

Provincial Leaders Debate set for North Bay
Bonnie Crombie (Liberal) Doug Ford (Ontario PC) Mike Schreiner (Green) Marit Stiles (NDP)

By Richard Coffin

The leadership candidates in the provincial election will be debating northern issues in North Bay.

The Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities (FONOM) is hosting a leaders debate on Valentine’s Day.

“FONOM’s mission is to improve the economic and social quality of life for all Northerners and to ensure a prosperous future for our youth,” says President Danny Whalen. “This debate provides an important opportunity for Northerners to hear directly from provincial leaders about the unique challenges and opportunities impacting our daily lives.”

FONOM says the leaders of Ontario’s four main political parties have confirmed their attendance and will be discussing issues of regional importance.

They include:

  • Bonnie Crombie (Liberal)
  • Doug Ford (Ontario PC)
  • Mike Schreiner (Green)
  • Marit Stiles (NDP)

The debate will take place at Canadore College’s G-Wing Theatre in North Bay on Friday, Feb. 14 at 1:00 PM.

A limited number of tickets for the event are now available to the public.

They can be purchased ($130) on the Battalion website, using the promo code ‘Debate’.


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The post FONOM Leaders Debate set for North Bay appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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