Recent Fatal Fires in Ontario spark reminder about smoke alarms

Recent Fatal Fires in Ontario spark reminder about smoke alarms

By Richard Coffin

Ontario’s Fire Chiefs and the Office of the Fire Marshal are concerned with the number of fatal fires already this year, including several recently.  

“This past March Break was a challenging week with several fatal fires that destroyed multiple families, devastated our communities, and indiscriminately took the lives of children and adults alike,” says Jon Pegg, Ontario Fire Marshal.  “Fire investigators continue to work to determine the origin, cause and circumstances of these fires. It’s still unknown if there were working smoke alarms in the homes where any of these fires occurred.” 

Peg says working smoke alarms are the only way to receive early warning of a fire so everyone inside can immediately leave the home and get to safety when it sounds. 

“Working smoke alarms and a well-practiced home fire escape plan that considers the ages and abilities of everyone in the household are the difference between life and death,” he adds. 

(Photo by staff)

North Bay Fire and Emergency Services is reminding everyone that fire can be ruthless, and a working smoke alarm gives you a chance to wake up, get out and live.   

They say it’s the law to install smoke alarms on every storey of your home and outside all sleeping areas.  

Officials recommend you test the alarms every month. 


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