1935 – 2023

Roberta passed away December 31, 2023. Born and raised in North Bay Roberta went on to obtain her grade eight examination in singing from the Royal Conservatory of Music, University of Toronto, in 1956, as well as her teachers’ certificate and thereafter teaching kindergarten (music) and primary grades with the then Nipissing Board of Education, notably King George Public School and Pinewood Public School from which she retired having completed a 35-year career. Within that period, she also taught physical education and printing at West-Bay-Field School on Chippewa Street which was part of the public school system.

After her father James returned to North Bay from service in WWII, both he and Roberta’s mother, Rosalind, were often forced to seek work out of town. During those challenging times and as a result, Roberta was often left with the task of raising her two sisters, Terry and Molly.

Roberta lived a humble and modest life. Through her Last Will and Testament, she graciously identified a charity that was meaningful to her by leaving a significant bequest (financial gift) to the North Bay Regional Health Centre. In doing so, she left a legacy that is enhancing our community’s healthcare.

Funeral arrangements have been completed and finalized by Martyn Funeral Home. Anyone wishing to acknowledge Roberta’s life may do so by leaving a note at Martyn’s Funeral Home or by making a donation to the North Bay Regional Health Centre Foundation.

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