Rochefort Ready in Nipissing-Timiskaming

Rochefort Ready in Nipissing-Timiskaming

Carney calls Election for April 28

 Nipissing-Timiskaming Liberal candidate Pauline Rochefort officially kicked off her election bid today, following Prime Minister Mark Carney’s April 28 federal election announcement.

“We’re ready to show the voters that we will take action in Nipissing-Timiskaming,” said Rochefort.

The political landscape has turned upside down since Carney stepped forward as Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party.

“With Mark Carney at the helm, it’s no longer the same Liberal Party of only a few months ago,” said Rochefort.

“From eliminating the consumer carbon tax, to eliminating the capital gains increase, to engaging in economic and defence discussions with Australia and Europe, to committing with the provincial Premiers to eliminate national free trade barriers between the provinces by Canada Day and so much more… you can be sure that Mark Carney is the right leader to protect our country’s sovereignty and build a strong and resilient economy,” said Rochefort.

Rochefort’s election signs went up today, campaign offices in North Bay and Temiskaming Shores are up and running, and the website and social media channels have been on-line for the last week.

“People have already sent emails, called and made donations. I am meeting and listening to voters. They tell us they believe in Mark Carney as a strong fiscal leader and a man of action who is best placed to tackle Trump and fix our economy,” she added.

The public can find out more about Rochefort on her website, and follow her on social networks, including on and Instagram paulinerochefort17.

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