Rotary Looking to Honour Unsung Heroes in North Bay and Area

Rotary Looking to Honour Unsung Heroes in North Bay and Area

Rotary Looking to Honour Unsung Heroes in North Bay and surrounding communities

The Rotary Club of North Bay is seeking nominations for their 2nd annual “Unsung Hero Service Award” initiative to recognize and honour individuals, who have made a positive and substantive contribution to their community or workplace, and yet do not seek recognition. This exemplifies Rotary’s motto “Service above Self”.

Nominees are to be residents of North Bay and surrounding communities and be 18 years of age and older.

Nominations close on September 21, 2024.

Those individuals selected will be invited to attend a special gathering on November 25th, along with their families, friends, and colleagues, to be designated as Paul Harris Fellows. This is the highest honour a Rotary club can bestow on an individual, named after Paul Harris, who founded Rotary with three business associates in 1905.

To nominate an individual visit or contact the club at

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