Rotary’s Catch The Ace at almost 20,000

Rotary’s Catch The Ace at almost 20,000

Rotary’s Catch The Ace Progressive Raffle is now into week 16 and the ace of spades has yet to be found. The progressive accumulating jackpot is now estimated to be $20,000.00.

 The next Catch The Ace draw is taking place on Wednesday, October 2nd live on YourTV (Cogeco TV) Cable 12 / HD Cable 700 at approximately 7:15 pm.

 Tickets for $5 each can be purchased online at, at East End Variety (corner of Hardy and Mahar) and Osprey Links Golf Course.

 Proceeds from the raffle are supporting Rotary Club of North Bay community service projects. 

 For more information visit

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