Rural Roads to see Investment

Rural Roads to see Investment

If City Council approves the award of a contract to Duncor Enterprises Inc. in the amount of $391,956.60 (plus HST) for the provision of Rural Road Surface Treatment, rural roads will see an improvement.

The City of North Bay maintains roughly 158 lane km of rural surface treated roads. Surface treatment is a combination of asphalt emulsion and clear aggregate which is spread on the road surface then rolled in place.

Surface treatment is commonly used in rural areas due to the fact it is more cost effective than traditional hot mix. The life cycle of surface treated roads depends on numerous factors such as traffic volume, drainage and vehicle type but typically lasts for 8 to 15 years. The roads in question have not been treated since the early 2000’s.

One (1) bid was evaluated by the Purchasing Manager, and the Manager, Roads, Traffic, & Landfill Operations.

The evaluation considered company ability and experience and price. The results are as follows: Ranking Company Bid Price 1 Duncor Enterprises Inc. $391,956.60

The bid/quote from Duncor Enterprises Inc. was the sole bid and their bid is considered fair and reasonable.

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