Safety Awareness Campaign

Safety Awareness Campaign

Busy intersections on the bypass, coffee shop drive-thrus and more.  

Those are just some of the locations where people have been asking drivers for money at the roadside. 

Now, area police and the Crisis Centre North Bay are helping educate the public about the Safe Streets Act and roadside solicitation.  

Ontario Provincial Police and the North Bay Police Service are both involved in the awareness campaign.  

“It is important to consider the risks involved in offering assistance from your vehicle,” says Inspector William McMullen, North Bay OPP.  “Instead, motorists are encouraged to support trusted local organizations that can provide aid in a safe and structured manner." 

As part of the campaign, officers and partners will engage with the public to raise awareness about the safety issues related to roadside solicitation.  

“This initiative will help keep all members of the public safe - both motorists and those soliciting - by keeping our busy roadways and intersections clear, while directing needed supports where they can make the biggest impact: to our local shelters and service providers,” says Chief Daryl Longworth, North Bay Police Service.  

Susan Rinneard, Executive Director - Crisis Centre North Bay says they’re happy to be a partner in this initiative.  

“With the cold weather coming it will be crucial for people to receive information on where to find safe shelter, food and basic needs support," Rinneard says.  

Officials say the goal is to take a compassionate and collaborative approach, balancing the needs of vulnerable individuals while ensuring everyone’s safety. 

The post Roadside solicitation and safety the focus of awareness campaign appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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