Small Ensemble Festival-North takes place next week

Small Ensemble Festival-North takes place next week

The Nipissing University Eddie Band is hosting the Small Ensemble Festival-North next week.   

The Oct. 17 development event will showcase a number of mixed instrumental, guitar and vocal groups from a variety of hometowns including Gravenhurst, North Bay and others.   

Officials say it’s not a competition, but each group will receive a gold, silver or bronze rating based on their performance.   

They’ll play for the public and will also receive an on-stage clinic.   

Organizer, Mary Thornton, director of the Eddie Band is very pleased with the turnout for the first year and is expecting the festival will grow in the future.   

Admission is free and the event runs from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm at Nipissing University. 

The post Small Ensemble Festival-North takes place next week appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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