Snow Depth Measurements Back to Normal

Snow Depth Measurements Back to Normal

The multiple snow events in the past week have brought overall snow depth and snow water equivalence measurements back to normal for this time of year, reports the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) who measures snow depth and water content as part of its Flood Forecasting and Warning Program.

“The average snow depth for all three locations is 26.1 cm and water equivalence for the three sites is 48.0 mm”, said Angela Mills, NBMCA Water Resources Specialist. “This would be considered normal for this time of year at the three sites”, she added.

With the new year, NBMCA is changing the way snow survey measurements are compared to historical conditions. With day-to-day differences in snowpack conditions, these changes include reporting a range of normal values that would be expected in most years and communicating a comparison of current measurements relative to these normal conditions. A new Snow Survey web page will be available with more snow survey program information and this season's measurements.

Snow is measured for depth and water equivalence at three locations in the watershed.

North Bay Golf and Country Club (Chippewa Creek Watershed, North Bay)
*Data prior to Dec. 2011 collected at the former Northeast Mental Health Centre, Hwy 11

Current Snow Depth for January 15, 2024 21.7 cm (below normal)
Water Equivalence for January 15, 2024 52.0 mm
Snow Depth last year for January 15, 2023 33.8 cm
Normal Snow Depth 22.4 cm to 37.9 cm
Highest recorded snow depth for January 15 since 2012* 51.6 cm in 2019

Corbeil Conservation Area (La Vase River Watershed, Corbeil)

Current Snow Depth for January 15, 2024 27.1 cm (normal)
Current Water Equivalence for January 15, 2024 52.0 mm
Snow Depth last year for January 15, 2023 30.6 cm
Normal Snow Depth 26.2 cm to 43.1 cm
Highest recorded snow depth for January 15 since 1988 63.0 cm in 2009

Shirley Skinner Conservation Area (Kaibuskong River Watershed, Chisholm)

Current Snow Depth for January 15, 2024 29.6 cm (normal)
Current Water Equivalence for January 15, 2024 40 mm
Snow Depth last year for January 15, 2023 27.2 cm
Normal Snow Depth 24.4 cm to 39.1 cm
Highest recorded snow depth for January 15 since 2007 57.9 cm in 2019

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