Staff to report on freshwater pool possibilities

Staff to report on freshwater pool possibilities

The city will be exploring the development of a freshwater pool, with staff directed to report back to council during the upcoming budget deliberations.   

This after a recent a public presentation brought the idea to council.   

Chair of Community Services Councillor Justine Mallah put forward the motion, which was approved.   

“The motion is open-ended regarding pool length and location so staff can do their due diligence in identifying a suitable location and length for such a project if council wishes to proceed,” she says.  

Still with council, a memorandum of understanding the city has with a couple of area snowmobile clubs is being upgraded to a land use agreement.   

Mallah says it was requested by the North Bay and South Shore Restoule Snowmobile Clubs and formalizes use of the trails.   

“It functionally doesn’t change anything with how the trails are being used and maintained by the clubs and trail users,” she says.  “The agreement, however, does allow the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs to provide insurance to the city and provide appropriate coverage based on their maintenance and use of the trails.”  

Council approved the motion to authorize the agreement on Tuesday night.

The post Staff to report on freshwater pool possibilities appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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