Thank you Councilors Vrebosch and Mallah
In our weekly feature, we will ask Mayor and Council a question about their duties as elected representatives . We will post the responses from Mayor and Council in the order we receive them as a fair way to give everyone a chance to be near the top of the story vs alphabetically.
We will send a question on Friday and ask them to respond by Monday at 5, giving them 4 days to respond in 100 words or less to the question. The responses will appear Tuesday on our site.
The questions will be fair and an opportunity for them to communicate directly with the citizens of North Bay. It is a wonderful way in our opinion to get their message out there in your own words and engage the public.
Here is the responses we received:
Councilor Tanya Vrebosch
Last term North Bay was ranked In the top 20 places to invest in Canada, ranked 2nd in Canada on where to buy real estate, and we saw record construction, investment, job creation and growth.
This term we have a new council and I look forward to seeing what accomplishments we will have.
Councilor Justine Mallah
In terms of biggest accomplishments, I am pleased to have worked collaboratively with fellow members of City Council, staff, and ABCs to:
- Improve community safety and well-being through the implementation of a security and outreach team
- Advance free recreation for families with a new inclusive Rotary playground and a Kiwanis All-Wheel Park
- Prioritize increasing the housing supply through the Housing Action Plan, Growth Community Improvement Plan, and Housing Accelerator Fund
- Secure a warming centre location before winter began
- Increase accessibility at the North Bay Public Library by no longer requiring a permanent address to obtain a library card
- Enhance the beauty of our park spaces with art panels at Sunset and Champlain Parks
We received one response from a councilor asking for more time and we did not receive a response from anyone else.
We would like to thank Councilor Vrebosch and Councilor Mallah for sharing their thoughts and perspectives with the public