The Importance of Play

The Importance of Play

Column by Anne Gingras

Before I begin, let me share something with you. Lately, I have taken up restoring and reinventing miniature doll houses. I love the feeling of being whimsical and how I can truly become 'part' of a different world, thus escaping, if only for a few minutes, from the responsibilities that bombard my daily activities. It's funny. Many 'adults' have commented on the frivolous idea of 'playing' with dolls - and can't see the reason behind my latest craze. That's okay, though - I do it because I enjoy it - and my husband and I find great satisfaction in rekindling a miniature house's energy. 

 As we grow older and take on more responsibilities, we often forget the importance of play. However, incorporating time for play into our daily routines can bring immense joy and freedom. It allows us to disconnect from the stresses of everyday life, refocus, and recharge, leading to a more productive and fulfilled life. Play can take many forms and is not limited to sports or games. It can bring us joy, such as learning a new skill, taking up a hobby, or spending time in nature. By prioritizing play, we can rediscover the joy and freedom we experienced as children and unlock our creative potential. Playing can also have a profound impact on our physical and mental well-being. It can reduce stress, improve our mood, and even boost our immune system. When we take time to play, we allow our minds to wander and explore new ideas, leading to a fresh perspective on our work and personal life. Incorporating play into our daily routine may seem frivolous or selfish, but it's essential for our overall well-being. It allows us to step back, recharge, and approach our responsibilities with renewed energy and focus.

 So take some time to play today, whether trying a new hobby or simply enjoying the outdoors. Allow yourself to let go of the stresses of daily life and rediscover the joy and freedom of being alive. You may be surprised at the positive impact it can have on your life.

 If you're curious, find my page on FB and follow our latest renovation adventures. You may follow suit!

 Have a great week!



Anne (St. Louis ) Gingras is a neuro-diverse individual who is also a wife, mother, teacher, writer, author, blogger, composer, international public speaker, life coach, energy worker, intuitive coach, mentor and death doula who also enjoys spending time in her miniature worlds.  She is the recipient of an Honorary Doctorate of Education (honoris causa) from Nipissing University in North Bay.

 Anne (St. Louis) Gingras est une personne qui célèbre sa neuro-différence.  Elle est entre autres une épouse, maman, enseignante, écrivaine, blogueuse, compositrice, conférencière internationale, coach de vie, travailleuse en énergie, coach intuitive, mentor et doula (accent sur la mort ), qui adore passer ses moments libres au sein de ses mondes miniatures.  Elle est récipiendaire d’un doctorat honorifique en éducation (honoris causa) de l’université Nipissing, de North Bay. 

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