There's Still Time

There's Still Time

There’s still time for area youth to pen their short stories and poems for the ninth annual Youthwords Writing Contest.   

It’s hosted by Wordstock Sudbury Literary Festival but is open to youth across the northeast in grades 9 to 12.  

Along with cash prizes, the contest provides young writers the chance to showcase their talent and receive feedback.  

“Since 2016 we have recognized emerging writers with the Youthwords Writing Contest. A fantastic opportunity for young writers to start their writing career,” says Heather Campbell, Festival Director. “We have watched many of those who have won in the past pursue their writing with confidence.” 

‘Shift’ is the theme this year with officials saying submissions can personal, political, comic, serious, or whatever the theme inspires. 

Young writers can submit a 1,000-word short story or up to two poems, each with a maximum of 20 lines.  

The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm on Sunday, Oct. 20. 

For full details and submission guidelines, visit

The post Youthwords Writing Contest open to youth across the region appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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