Three candidates in Nipissing Debate

Three candidates in Nipissing Debate

By Richard Coffin

Dealing with affordability issues emerged as a common theme throughout a variety of topics covered in Tuesday’s Nipissing provincial election candidates’ debate.

The North Bay & District Chamber of Commerce and Cogeco teamed up for the event.

Questions revolved around responding to the tariff threat, the cost of housing, homelessness supports, solving healthcare shortages and wait times, boosting education, making highways safer and much more.

Three of the candidates from the four parties that have seats at Queen’s Park took part including the Green Party’s Colton Chaput, the NDP’s Loren Mick and PC Incumbent Vic Fedeli.

Liberal Liam McGarry was invited but organizers say they didn’t receive a response.

Mick continually said the PC government has had seven years to fix a variety of issues but hasn’t done so, Chaput highlighted numerous planks of the Green platform while Fedeli pointed to continuing billions in investments in several areas.

Michelle Lashbrook with the Libertarian Party and the Ontario Party’s Scott Mooney both provided video statements.

You can watch the debate here.

Election Day is Feb. 27.

The post Three candidates in Nipissing debate variety of issues appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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