Tour de Trout is Looking for Volunteers

Tour de Trout is Looking for Volunteers

In it’s 9th year, Tour de Trout is an annual YMCA fundraiser where monies raised support local children who want to learn to swim. This year, we have over 60 avid and enthusiastic participants, most of them attended our winter Boot Camp pool program where swimming techniques and endurance are improved.

As you can imagine, swimming in a lake is very different than in a pool, part of the groups training is to be able to swim comfortably and safely in our local lakes. Since Lake Nipissing warms up faster than Trout Lake in the spring, our training sessions transitioned to Lake Nipissing on May 24th, swimmers became reacquainted with their wet suits and lake swimming. For some, this was a first. As of June 6th, the training shifted over to Trout Lake.

Starting July 2nd our group will gather to swim the contour of Trout Lake. We will be meeting at various dock host locations, enjoying the refreshing waters of Trout Lake for 11 swims totaling approximately 18km. Swims will vary from 1km km to 3.9 km in distance.

This event requires many volunteers to keep all swimmers safe and visible. We require kayakers, canoeist or jet-skis to surround the swimmers during the swims. Please check us out and follow us on our Facebook Page “Tour de Trout 2024”.

If you are available for one of the following evenings and can help on the lake please contact Chantal at 705-499-6525.

Swim schedule: July 2 One Mile Bay area, July 4 Delaney Bay area, July 8 Middle section of Centennial Cresent, July 10

Mid to end of MacPherson Drive, July 16 Regal Rd area, July 18 Four Mile Bay – North Shore area, July 22 Mid section of

Centennial Cresent, July 24 Mid section of Penninsula - Four Mile Bay area, July 29 Viceroy area, July 31 Dugas Bay area, August 14 Ultimate swim Four Mile Bay area (swim times 7pm)

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