Troops’ pre-season starts Friday night with Fan Fest set for Sunday

Troops’ pre-season starts Friday night with Fan Fest set for Sunday

The North Bay Battalion open the exhibition schedule on home ice Friday night against the Ottawa 67's. Game time is 7 o'clock at Memorial Gardens.

The Troops also host the Owen Sound Attack on Sunday at 2 pm, with Fan Fest getting underway earlier in the day at 10:30 am. There will be a player meet and greet, games and activities, minor hockey celebration, outdoor barbecue, live entertainment and more.

In this week's Battalion Marching Orders, Ryan Oulahen, head coach and assistant GM says fan support is key and invites everyone to Fan Fest.

"You get to see the red carpet being walked, hopefully it's a big buzz and hopefully we get a lot of people out for that," he says. "I think that's the biggest thing is being a part of something that's so cool and a part of our community, it's just bigger than the game of hockey."

Sunday afternoon's game also marks the return of former Battalion assistant coach Scott Wray, who took over as head coach of the Attack in June.

Wray was an assistant in North Bay for eight seasons.

In the NOJHL, the Powassan Voodoos play a pre-season home-and-home set with French River Friday and Saturday.

They're in Noelville Friday night before hosting the Rapids at 7 pm on Saturday at the Powassan Sportsplex.

In OUA soccer, both Nipissing Lakers teams are on the road to Oshawa Friday to play Ontario Tech.

The post Troops’ pre-season starts Friday night with Fan Fest set for Sunday appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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