Two people unaccounted for as crews battle Lakeshore house fire

Two people unaccounted for as crews battle Lakeshore house fire

By Richard Coffin

There’s concern for the well-being of two people as North Bay fire crews battle a house fire on the first block of Lakeshore Drive.  

That’s the word from Deputy Fire Chief Greg Saunders after the call came in at about 2 am.  

“This house was fully involved when we got here,” he says. “We tried to make entry and conduct a search but we did not complete a full search.  We’re worried.  We’re trying to locate a couple of people in the city.  We’re working with police to locate two people.”

There’s no word on a cause of the fire as yet.   

“We’ll bring in our team to investigate and try and determine the cause of the fire,” says Saunders.  “But as I said right now there’s two people we’re trying to locate in the community,” adds Saunders.

The first block of Lakeshore Drive is closed to traffic, from the bottom of the overpass at Judge to Fodor Street, with crews battling the fire.

(Photo by staff)

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