Two projects in West Nipissing receive FedNor funding

Two projects in West Nipissing receive FedNor funding

FedNor is providing $147,000 for two projects that officials say will pave the way for new opportunities for Francophones and West Nipissing area businesses in West Nipissing and surrounding areas.  

Marc Serré, Member of Parliament for Nickel Belt, announced the bulk of the money, $97,000 will help the Conseil des Arts de Nipissing Ouest develop a strategic plan.  

The plan will help guide future decision making and serve as a roadmap for the organization so it can expand, enhance programming and maximize its social and economic impact on the region.  

The remaining $50,000 will help the Municipality of West Nipissing transform the former Sturgeon Falls mill site into prime business development property.  

The funding will be used to complete a Phase II Environmental Assessment so the municipality can develop a remediation strategy for the property.  

Officials say redeveloping the 27-acre parcel of land on Highway 17 will create new social and economic opportunities including business development and growth, and affordable housing.  

It will also create a riverfront park and mixed-use urban space. 

The post Two projects in West Nipissing receive FedNor funding appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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