Depot Creek Restoration Project Continuing

Depot Creek Restoration Project Continuing

Work is continuing on the bank stabilization and water flow management of a 4 km section of Depot Creek to control the amount of sand entering the waterway and damaging the cold water aquatic habitat for speckled trout and other invertebrate species.

 The project was launched in 2017 by the Greater Nipissing Stewardship Council (GNSC) and the Nosbonsing Anglers and Hunters to repair damage caused by flooding and high flows during Hurricane Hazel in 1956.

 Funding for the initial work was provided largely from the federal Ministry of the Environment and Climate Control – Environmental Damages Fund.

 And this summer, thanks to the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters, $2,250 has been received from the OFAH Community Conservation Fund. Paul-Emile Perron, Project Manager, and member of the Nosbonsing Anglers & Hunters, commented that “The OFAH funds, are allowing us to continue our efforts with this project.”

 The GNSC has also contributed $1,770, with volunteers having put in 240 hours of labour by the time this year’s work wraps up at the end of September.

 The bulk of the work involves the placement of low log walls in combination with brush piles to stabilize the banks and at the same time to narrow the width of sections of the creek to increase the water flow. This in turn will deepen the channels and create pools of gravel and cobble clear of silt deposits. The monitoring of sites completed previously indicate this is having a positive and noticeable effect on the creek.

 Additionally, the removal of downed trees and other woody vegetation is being carried out to improve the water flow, while at the same time managing the shade aspect for this coldwater fishery.

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