Budget for new arena project ‘trending’ toward target

Budget for new arena project ‘trending’ toward target

Mid-July 2026.   

That’s when EllisDon is projecting North Bay’s new Community and Recreation Centre will be substantially completed.  

The now square-designed building will include two side-by-side regulation-size ice rinks with bench seating for 250, a second-floor walking and running track with views to the ice, a community room, and it will meet or exceed Carbon Net Zero requirements.  

As for price, the initial design verification budget in July came in at $65 million.  That’s about $5 million over the upset limit set by council. 

“We are definitely 100% trending down from the $65 million and trending in the right direction daily on the success of achieving the $59.5 million,” says Jeffrey Malo, Design Manager with EllisDon.  “It’s in sight.” 

Site changes and space efficiencies were made, and an updated budget is expected to be provided to the city by the end of this month.   

The final guaranteed maximum budget will be presented in November.   

That’s also when the contract will be awarded, followed by construction.  

Barring unforeseen circumstances, commissioning and occupancy is expected in June 2026.

With the Carbon Net Zero aspect of the facility, officials say this project will be ground-breaking.  

“The City of North Bay is taking a different approach and leading by example with this building showing what needs to be done across all municipalities across the country on how we need to build buildings into the future,” says Mitchell Niles, sustainability lead for the project.  “This project has the potential to be the first ice rink in Canada that is meeting the Zero Carbon Building: Design Standard Version 3.”  

John Severino, CAO with the City of North Bay, advised council the deadline to use the previously announced $26 million in federal Green and Inclusive Community Buildings funding has been extended past July 2026.  

The post Budget for new arena project ‘trending’ toward target appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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