Nominations Open for the Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Awards

Nominations Open for the Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Awards

Vic Fedeli, MPP for Nipissing announced that nominations are open for the Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Awards. The Awards recognize outstanding contributions made by groups or individuals to identify, preserve, protect and promote Ontario’s heritage.

 “Nominations are open for an exemplary project, group or person who has shown leadership, commitment and the best practice in heritage conservation over this past year,” said MPP Vic Fedeli. “We encourage the public to recognise and submit nominations.”

The awards criteria incorporate a broad range of heritage interests and activities including:

·       adaptive reuse of historical structures

·       activities that share our stories and cultural heritage in museums, online and other cultural settings

·       class or extracurricular projects (Youth Achievement only)

·       activities that protect Ontario’s natural spaces and biodiversity

 The Lieutenant Governor’s Ontario Heritage Awards, administered by the Ontario Heritage Trust, are prestigious awards that recognize exceptional contributions to heritage conservation, environmental sustainability and biodiversity, and cultural and natural heritage. These awards are presented annually at a ceremony at Queen’s Park in Toronto, and are given for:

·       Youth Achievement

·       Lifetime Achievement

·       Community Leadership

·       Excellence in Conservation

·       Thomas Symons Award for Commitment to Conservation

 The deadline for nominations is October 11, 2024. For further information on how to apply: Ontario Heritage Trust | Welcome to the OHT website

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