City of North Bay Wins GOLD

City of North Bay Wins GOLD

The City of North Bay is proud to announce that its Waste Diversion Outreach Program and Spotlight Contest has been recognized with a GOLD Promotion and Education Award by the Municipal Waste Association (MWA).

This award, presented during a conference earlier this year, acknowledges the program’s success in educating local students about waste diversion.

The in-house initiative, led by Victoria Thomas, Environmental Control Officer, included visits to 44 classrooms between January and June 2023. Through interactive presentations, real-life examples, and fun games, students gained valuable insights into North Bay’s waste diversion programs and the impact they can make in their community.

A key component of the program was the Spotlight Contest, where students created posters highlighting essential waste diversion messages. Each week, a winning poster was showcased on the City’s social media channels, engaging the community and raising awareness.

“We are proud of the work done to involve our youth in waste management practices and to promote environmental stewardship in North Bay,” said Coun. Lana Mitchell, Chair of Infrastructure and Operations.

The City received the top award in the ‘Surprise Us’ category, which recognizes a promotion and education project that is innovative and unique.

For more information about the program, visit City of North Bay Education Outreach or check out the Spotlight Waste Diversion Artists.

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