Update on Community and Recreation Centre project coming Tuesday

Update on Community and Recreation Centre project coming Tuesday

We’re expecting to learn more about the progress being made behind the scenes with the city’s new Community and Recreation Centre project.   

A special committee meeting of council is being held Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 5:30 pm in the council chambers.  

City staff and the project development service team will be providing an update on the project.   

“Development of building concepts including but not limited to; siting, foundation type, super structure, carbon requirements, electrical requirements and identification of long lead time items; have progressed to the stage that has allowed completion of a Class D Opinion of Probable Costs for the project,” states a report from John Severino, CAO.  

Details on the project’s preliminary designs, schedule, programming and more will be shared at the meeting.  

Council previously set the design-build project’s target budget at $60 million. 

The post Update on Community and Recreation Centre project coming Tuesday appeared first on My North Bay Now.

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